【Wagashi】Japanese sweets GIF images s...

【Wagashi】Japanese sweets GIF images summary

In Japan, there are many Japanese sweets like a rice cracker, rice cake, steamed bun, and the yokan.By the way, does the difference between rice cake and steamed bun know?I explain it.

( ╹◡╹)っ・・・Baked confectionery

【Wagashi】This is a rice cracker



[元動画] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cNa9MOmj7E
The rice cracker craftsman upsets a rice cracker many times, and bakes it.

It will burn immediately if we can not upset a rice cracker skillfully.

【Wagashi】This is a pancake stuffed with bean jam called dorayaki



[元動画] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkWQ-iV2Nmk

He is the dorayaki craftsman who pours flour dough like a crepe into an iron plate.After flour dough is baked, we put bean jam in and bake it once again.

【Wagashi】This is a taiyaki



[元動画] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL5UvKTPgeM
A taiyaki craftsman is pouring flour dough into the plate of the taiyaki.As well as a dorayaki, we put bean jam in the taiyaki.

【Wagashi】This is a sweetfish-shaped baked confectionery


岐阜の鮎菓子をモチーフにしたゆるキャラ ひあゆ丸

[元動画] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyThhytugKY
This is called ayugashi, and it is one of the sweets in Gifu city, Gifu prefecture.This Japanese sweet has a shape of the sweetfish.This is because a sweetfish is a special product in the Nagara River of Gifu-shi.

( ╹◡╹)っ・・・Bean-jam cake

【Wagashi】This is the dumpling which stuck in a skewer called kushidango



[元動画] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Y4GaoKIvaY
Now, I wanna ask some question.Is this a steamed bun or a rice cake?The answer is a rice cake.It is called "a dumpling" definitely.A dumpling means "dango".

【Wagashi】This is the dumpling which wrapped in bamboo grass called sasa



[元動画] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqJbKY51npo
Question number 2. Is this a dango or a rice cake?This may be slightly difficult.The answer is a dango.A rice cake of the mouthful size is called a dango.This dango is wrapped in a bamboo leaf,

【Wagashi】This is the steamed bun which wrapped bean jam in flour dough called umegaemochi



[元動画] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnxpdnBfhgo
As for the rice cake, there are the thing which is nothing inside and the thing which bean jam enters.Bean jam is put in the Umegae mochi of the sweets of Kyushu.

【Wagashi】This is rice-flour cake flavored with the mugworts



[元動画] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqckNdB5C0E
A rice cake is not only a white thing.Like the bamboo grass dumpling, we sometimes mix something with glutinous rice like a mugwort, Rice cake of this GIF image is called Yomogi mochi or Kusa mochi in Japan.

【Wagashi】This is a rice dumpling covered with azuki bean jam called ohagi



[元動画] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeH7buj9ekY
This rice cake is called Ohagi in Japan,The bean jam and a rice cake is reversed, but Ohagi is one of the sweets of rice cake.In several areas of Japan Ohagi is called Bota mochi.

( ╹◡╹)っ・・・Steamed bun

【Wagashi】This is the steamed bun which wrapped the bean jam of green soybeans in flour dough


岐阜市の伝統銘菓  枝豆まんじゅう

[元動画] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJCVkj_9kBc
Final question.Is this a rice cake or a steamed bun?Yes,
a steamed bun.The steamed bun of Japanese sweets does not use glutinous rice, but wheat dough.This steamed bun is very unique, and the bean jam of green soybeans is being used inside.

( ╹◡╹)っ・・・Yokan

【Wagashi】This is the yokan which made with a persimmon


岐阜市の伝統菓子 柿羊羹

[元動画] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDfHt-cPX00
This is the yokan using the persimmon.Faint sweetness and wetness are very good.
